Growing Your Resin Business With Social Media - Craft Resin UK

Growing Your Resin Business With Social Media

When you start a resin business there is some great news, you can actually help your resin business grow and get off the ground by utilising social media, which is not going to cost you very much -...

BusinessWhat To Share With Your Customers When You Share Your Epoxy Resin Creations: - Craft Resin UK

What To Share With Your Customers When You Share Your Epoxy Resin Creations:

When you start selling your epoxy resin and hardener creations, it's a great idea to add in some guidance to give your customers along with your projects. If a customer feels cared for, they feel m...

BusinessHow To Earn By Collaborating With Our Brand - Craft Resin UK

How To Earn By Collaborating With Our Brand

Owning a resin business and selling your creations can be really tough at times. When you're getting started it can take a long time to start seeing any consistent sales, and even then throughout t...

BusinessUsing YouTube To Share Your Resin Business: - Craft Resin UK

Using YouTube To Share Your Resin Business:

Oh no we hear you cry - Not another social media platform to add into the mix! If you're new to the world of resin and a new resin business owner then this blog might be one you'd like to bookmark ...


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BusinessSocial Media Tips For Your Epoxy Resin Business - Craft Resin UK

Social Media Tips For Your Epoxy Resin Business

We know that lot's of resin artists choose to market their business mainly through Social Media platforms, like Instagram, TikTok, YouTube and Facebook, amongst others. Social Media is a great tool...

BusinessHow To Earn Money Alongside Your Resin Business? - Craft Resin UK

How To Earn Money Alongside Your Resin Business?

When you first start creating with resin and you launch your resin business, it can take a while before you see any great financial returns. Certainly at first many resin artists will struggle to p...