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The Basic Kit/Equipment You Will Need To Work With Craft Resin's Epoxy Resin:
When starting with epoxy resin a simple kit including resin will not be enough to complete a project, there are a few extra items that you will need and we want to go through them with you in one ...

Molds - How To Prepare And Look After Them Before And After Use:
We’ve talked about molds before, but only in relation to what molds to use for different projects. In this weeks blog we wanted to cover the subject of how to get the most out of your molds and how...

What Mold Do I need For Casting Epoxy Resin?
Today we're diving into the world of Molds. the world of molds is so vast, we wanted to share our tips and suggestions. On the outside, molds can look pretty confusing with the amount of choice you...