
How To Earn Money Alongside Your Resin Business?

How To Earn Money Alongside Your Resin Business? - Craft Resin UK

When you first start creating with resin and you launch your resin business, it can take a while before you see any great financial returns. Certainly at first many resin artists will struggle to pay the bills if resin is their only form of income.


Lots of people start a resin business when they are already in employment, they start building their business in the pockets of time they have around their jobs, which is a great way to get your clear epoxy resin business started.


But what happens when you're ready to take the leap into creating with resin full time, you want to leave your previous job, but you're not quite sure if you'll make enough money to cover all your bills?


That's the time to start looking into additional ways to earn while building your brand up. And we want to explore three of those options with you in this blog.




Some options might be for you, some might not. You might want to work through the different options and see which ones do work best for you and then concentrate on them. However you do it, we hope this Blog helps you bridge the gap in your finances as a full time resin business owner...


1 – Earn Extra Money By Joining Craft Resin’s Referral Program:


We wanted to reward our loyal customers for their continued support of Craft Resin and that’s why we introduced our very own Referral Program for resin artists to get rewarded when someone purchases Craft Resin from their referral. We felt it was only fair to give the people who love and share our brand a cut of the profits and we have continually developed this so that the rewards you get are even better now than when this first started.



So how does it work and who is it perfect for:


Our referral program works by signing up to our referral program online through our website. You enter a few personal details and a link/code is generated that is unique to you. 


When you share this link with someone, either via a personal message or in your Bio in Instagram for example, and the person clicks on your link and purchases any Craft Resin product, they receive 10% off their order, and you as the referrer get 10% commission from that sale. And not just once, but every time they order through your link. This gives you the chance to earn repeat commissions.


For example:


If someone clicks on your link and purchases a 4 Litre Pro Kit at £134.99, they would save £13.49 and you would receive £13.49 as a thank you from Craft Resin for sharing our brand. If they bought the 4 litres through your link every month, that would be an extra £13.49 a month going into your PayPal account just from one person!


Join our Collabs referral program today, start sharing and start earning:


UK Referral Program

US Referral Program

EU Referral Program


Your referral commissions are paid directly into your PayPal account by our referral system. You get the money so that you can spend it on what you like, whether that’s to top up your own resin supplies, or to treat yourself to something nice for all your hard work, it's completely up to you.



If you are referring to different countries, for example UK to US, US to UK, you will need to set up a different link in each country. The UK link will work in the UK market, and the US link will work in the US market. However the code you set can be the same for each market.


If you ever have any questions or issues setting up your link/code please contact us via the contact us form on our website and we'll help.


2 – Earn Extra Money Through Amazon Affiliate Programme:


We also sell Craft Resin on Amazon, which makes purchasing our resin super easy to do. Amazon has an affiliate program attached to it, which means that you can share products you love and use and once again earn a commission on this. The commissions vary from product to product, but on Craft Resin’s items, it works out to be 4%, which again over time can build up.


Becoming an Amazon Affiliate is easy and also free to do. Simply follow the link below for more information about this or to sign up:


Amazon Affiliate Program


What’s great about this is that you could get paid a commission not just on Craft Resin's products via Amazon, but also lots of others too. You could create a comprehensive list of items that you use for your resin projects and earn on all of those items. This also makes it great for newcomers to resin art, as they can get access to all that they need to start creating resin projects in one place from your personalised links.



3 - Earn Extra Money Teaching Others To Create With Resin:


If you are a good enough resin artist to be able to start your own resin business, then you are a good enough artist to teach others how to create with resin too!


Why not monetise the skills you've learned over time and share with others how to get into this creative space. Lots of people want to use epoxy resin for crafts, but don't know where to even begin. You could be the one to show them how.



There are a couple of ways you can do this, in the online space, or in person. Let's go through both of those options below...


Online Space:


We have a Craft Resin Academy which is a resin course platform. This houses a multitude of courses dedicated to all things resin related.


We are looking for more artists to join our Academy as instructors, sharing their knowledge and skills on how they create their signature resin artwork/projects to teach others. Our mission with this is to make the world of resin accessible for all to learn, once they get the correct instructions from professional artists.


If you are an established resin artist and you have skills that you could share with others by creating pre-recorded video instructional content, then click on the link below:


Become a Craft Resin Academy Instructor


You will find more information about how to create a course through the link above and you will also have the full support of the Craft Resin team for guidance should you need us.


Our courses are free courses for people to take part and learn from, but as a resin artist who will create the course we can offer you compensation for the use of your content in the form of a one off payment in free resin/Craft Resin gift card  (amount will be discussed on an individual basis) and also your personalised referral links shared on every single video page you create. Giving you the opportunity to earn a 10% commission from the sale of any resin through your link, and again, not just once, but every time someone purchases through your link. There are no limits!


You will get to also share any courses that you create with your own audiences, further validating your expertise as a resin artist and helping to build your brand up further.


Although creating a Craft Resin course won't give you cash, it is a chance to earn supplies, which will then cut down your spending in your own resin business, which will mean you have more cash to spend on other things.


You could also create your own virtual courses, but do your research beforehand on the platforms you'll need to use to create and share these courses on. They vary in cost and so can be expensive and you might not get a return back on that investment. You will also have to advertise your courses on your own, whereas partnering with us we help advertise the courses to our large audience.



In Person:


Of course the world has opened back up again and all events are back on, and we no longer have restrictions about getting together in person. So why not start offering in person tutorials with you!


This way you could offer 121 bespoke packages based on what your clients want to learn to create, or you could host small group tuition showcasing a specific resin skill that everyone in the class will learn together.


The beauty of hosting your own in person tutorials is that you can get hands on with the students and help them create in a much more personal way that you can't always get when you don't have a connection with your audience online.


You can also charge pretty much what you'd like to charge in person as there aren't many artists offering this kind of tuition out there. You could include a basic kit for them in the price, including a Craft Resin epoxy resin starter kit, mica powder for resin and other items you know they'll need during their tuition.


Just make sure that if you do teach people in any capacity that you offer them all the basic guidance like safety advice, and have PPE for them to use if in person, and that if in person you have insurance in place before you start.


If you would like to go down the in person route then please get in touch with our team, we might be able to offer you a good deal on supplies for your classes if you share our brand during the tuition.



So there you go, 3 ways in which you could earn additional money alongside having your own resin business. As a resin business owner you are an entrepreneur, and most entrepreneurs have multiple streams of income, its smart business.


So start creating your multiple streams on the side and boost your resin business income while you do so. 


Topic Of The Week Giveaway:


We have attached a giveaway to these Topic Of The Week announcements on our Instagram platform, this is helping us to spread the knowledge of how to use epoxy resin further, but also enabling anyone who helps us share this information to win free resin and mica powders.



To enter the weekly giveaway please see the latest post #CRWEEK6 on our Instagram feed/highlights and follow the instructions to enter:




When you start creation additional opportunities on the side of your resin business it might take a little bit of time to get them into place before you see any real results, but once you do you could really help increase the turnover of your resin business!


Team Craft Resin

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