
Ashley Aaron, resin artist - @craftelotresinco

Ashley Aaron, resin artist - @craftelotresinco - Craft Resin UK

Hi my name is Ashley and I created Craftelot Resin Co. I live in Scottsdale, AZ, and I am currently studying to take the bar exam. As far as the name of my resin business is concerned, it is a play on words. I always envisioned Camelot as a broody, yet beautiful, place of adventure and mysticism, which is representative of the place (albeit in my mind) that I escape to when I am crafting. Hence, Craftelot Resin Co.



Everything I have imagined Camelot to be, from the intricately designed architecture and lavish jewels to the round table and romances reminds me of the escape I feel when I am creating resin art.  As far the adventure side goes, anyone who has created with resin can tell you it is not as easy as it looks, and you are bound to experience some bumps in the road.  


My advice to any new resin crafters: Envision every mistake you make as challenge on your own personal adventure. After you make the mistake you can successfully claim you have cleared another hurdle standing between you and success.  Trust me, you become stronger each time and a positive outlook leads to creation of unimaginable things!  (Tip: Use a product like Craft Resin and you avoid some of the unnecessary issues you would have to learn from if you try to begin with a resin that has not been specially created with artists in mind.)

Okay, enough with the cheesy metaphors and sentiments. 

Let me briefly describe my journey thus far.


About 8 years ago, I was in my last year of law school, trying to cope with the stress that comes along with that, as well as dealing with some turbulence in my personal life. Let’s just say, I found myself resorting to unhealthy habits just to get through each and every day. 


These issues took four years of my life away from me and it was a tremendous challenge to get back on track.  About 3 years ago, I finally started to get back on track.  I finished law school and started experimenting with epoxy resin art.  Not to sound cliché,  but epoxy resin played a huge role in saving my life.  


Finally, when I could not shut my mind off, I had a healthy way to cope.  I had an escape that did not hurt me or any of the people that love me.  It was pure bonus points that people seemed to like the art I was creating.  


This led me to learning how to build a website and online store.  I use my website to sell my art and it provides a fantastic platform for creating content other resin artists (both beginners or professionals) find useful. You can find the website at  


I started with simple, yet colorful epoxy resin paintings and have experimented with everything. I love learning and creating new techniques.  Some of my favorite creations are large wall geodes, simple resin swipes, coasters inspired by nature, and, of course, jewelry and guitar picks.


Here is a photo of a custom wall art commission I did using the resin swipe technique:



One of my favorite pieces has found its home in the entryway of a children’s therapist’s office:



On a smaller scale, my nature collection features coasters, serving trays, and more inspired by the beauty I see in nature.  For example, these geode coasters: 




If you are interested in learning about the process I use to create the effects in these coasters, I have many video tutorials that can be found at Resin Art Blog Archives - Resin Art For Sale (


As far as accessories go, my favorite creations come from the ‘rose among thorns’ collection. This collection is made using dried rose petals, which I color with a custom dye and then coat with resin.  I have made earrings, necklaces, and most recently, guitar picks.  Here are a few examples: 





I love receiving custom orders. It brings me joy to receive a color palette from a client and to be given the freedom to create a piece of art that can be treasured. I love creating art that can tie an entire room together, as well as making accessories that allow the user to express their own personal style.  


Don’t get me wrong here, I do not make enough from my art to support myself.  In fact, the majority of resin artists do not and never will have that luxury. The little I have made so far has gone towards creating more art and that is okay for now.


If you are aspiring to become a resin artist who sells your art, please be okay with this. This is a process and it takes patience, and a bit of hope, to get your art in front of the people who truly appreciate it.  Don’t expect it to happen overnight, but never stop putting it all out there, onto the proverbial table. (Craft table that is.  Covered with a proper silicone mat, obviously!)


Every piece in my collection is created with love and extreme attention to detail.  The possibilities an artist has when creating with epoxy resin are endless.  If you put your soul into your art, you are bound to create something beautiful.


Resin allowed me to quiet the thoughts and express the emotions I had pushed down for so long and I cannot thank Craft Resin enough for being a fantastic partner and supporting me along this journey. As I study for the bar exam and continue pushing positively forward, I continue to create and am so happy to be sharing this journey with all of you!


If you would like to follow me on Instagram, my handle is @CraftelotResinCo.  My YouTube channel can be found at, and please visit my store, which I am constantly adding new products to, at

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