Let's take a look at this with regards to Craft Resin (every brands formulations are different and so please visit the brand you are using for their guidance on safety specific to their products):
Craft Resin's epoxy resin is formulated using the highest quality materials and therefore produces no VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) nor does it give off any harmful fumes.
It is also non-flammable in its liquid form, as long as certain things like alcohol inks aren't added to it. For all these reasons, it is classified as a non-hazardous material and is shippable by air.
Craft Resin is Non-Toxic and safe for home use, this is only valid when used as directed in a well ventilated space, but what does that mean:
Resin that is advertised as non toxic and/or VOC free does not contain any elements that are deemed as toxic as per all the safety guidelines. Craft Resin is rigorously tested by an external company who are impartial. It is the VOC's, or volatile organic compounds that make a resin toxic, and if it doesn't contain any VOCs to begin with, mixing A and B together cannot make it toxic. This also is not affected by heat as it is VOC free, so it doesn’t give off toxic chemicals when cool, warmed up in a warm sink or when a heat gun is used.
VOC's are found in everyday life, it is the elements that make markers smell, or give plastics the "new" smell (and even the scent to the perfume or aftershave we wear). Resin's that contain VOC's are classed as toxic because the heat given off during the curing process lowers the boiling point of the VOC's causing them to give off toxic fumes and vapours. Resins that contain VOC's generally have a strong odour or smell to them.
A resin that's advertised as non toxic, or VOC free, doesn't contain the VOC's, which means the heat made during the curing process has nothing to work on and therefore cannot give off the toxic fumes and vapours as they're not present. Non toxic resins won't have a strong odour or smell because the compound isn't there to make it smell. Craft Resin has a slight smell which is much less than other resins that do contain VOCs.

As with lots of things in life, resin contains natural and man-made elements, which affect us all differently depending on our immune system. For example, some people are allergic to peanuts but that doesn’t mean that peanuts are toxic. It is possible for someone to become sensitive to the resin and develop an allergic response, but that doesn't make it toxic. Sensitisation is your body responding to a stimulus.
Toxic effects and allergic responses are generally different symptoms, but sometimes can present in a similar way - for example an anaphylactic response is similar to a respiratory irritant.
If you do have any reactions or abnormal symptoms when using Craft Resin always consult your GP/Doctor also soon as possible.
Also always wear personal protective equipment as a barrier to stop any irritation from happening in the first place.
If you need some more information please do contact us and we will assist you with more safety information or we can provide you with our testing certificates.
What Safety Precautions Should I Take:
If you follow the below guidance you will be able to use Craft Resin with the knowledge that you will be safe:
Wear gloves. Epoxy resin is very sticky substance and can cause skin irritation if it comes into contact with your skin. We do supply a pair of gloves in our kits, however if you are allergic to latex then we would suggest purchasing an alternate set to use.
If the epoxy resin does come into contact with your skin, wash it straight away with soap and water.
If you somehow get the product in your eyes, please flush your eyes with water for a few minutes and do not rub. Seek medical attention as soon as possible. To avoid epoxy resin getting into your eyes in the first place, please wear protective glasses or goggles.

Food Safe:
Once Craft Resin is cured, and has fully hardened, your resin project can be used safely as a food contact surface.
Craft Resin has been tested by a third party for leaching and migration across worldwide standards and passed all testing: When you use Craft Resin as directed, the fully cured resin will not leach any substances into food that comes into contact with it.
You can check out Epoxy Craft Resin's SDS for further details.
Can I Use Craft Resin When Pregnant:
Although Craft Resin is safe for home use and non toxic, no specific testing has been carried out on the effects of using epoxy resin whilst pregnant. We would always recommend that you speak to a medical professional so that they may advise you if this would be safe for yourself and your baby.
If your medical professional says that it is safe, and you wish to continue working with epoxy resin whilst pregnant, we would highly recommend reviewing the safety precautions you normally take when using Craft Resin. Ensure that you wear full PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) and you work in a well ventilated area, possibly taking more breaks away from your crafting area.