My name is Daniele, I am Italian and I have been living in London for almost 6 years.
Before moving to London I used to work as craft carpenter with my father, however since I moved to London I have been in the hospitality .
As millions of people, the pandemic forced me home. I am lucky enough to have a big passion for craft carpentey and a big garden too. So,
I kept myself busy building my very own furniture for my new apartment.
I've always seen people on social media creating pieces with epoxy that looked so good that I thought only professionals would be able to create. Searching online I found so many products, I didn't know where to start from, until I found Craft Resin with its products accessible even to beginners like me and easy to use so I started experimenting. Many pieces ended up in the bin, others slowly slowly became nice pieces.
Finally then I decided to create something new without necessarily having to use molds, and looking at the various plants in my living room I noticed that one of these did not have a vase so I thought I'd try to make one myself with the leftover resin from my kit .
Armed with a lot of patience, creativity and my inevitable beloved headphones with my music, I started adding colors that could suite this plant. Seeing the final result I thought " I'd try to post it on the Facebook community page!" by participating in the Talent Awards contest. I'm so much very happy for all the many many people that voted for my piece and helped me winning my first contest!
Again I'd like to thank the Craft Resin team for all the hard work they have done for us to create with resin, and to challenge ourselves by organizing events like this,
Thank you very much.
Daniele Ciccarese