Jemma, Resin Artist - @avagraceresin

Jemma, Resin Artist - @avagraceresin - Craft Resin UK

Hi my name is Jemma, and my resin business is called Ava Grace Resin after my daughter.  As you read this blog click on the images to see my work in more detail:



I’ve always been a bit arty, and love all things glitter and sparkle, and came across resin work in the last couple of years. Lockdown gave me the time to try it out, and that was that! In the daytime I work for a coach company, and do HR and drive buses and coaches, so resin allows me to express my creative side. 



The first thing I made was a pair of geode style coasters as that was the current trend, initially I bought some cheaper resin but once I tried Craft Resin that was it, and I now use it exclusively. I had a few bumps along the way working out mixing ratios, and with a few pieces that didn’t quite work the way I wanted - the wine glass holder never did work for me, it always bent. 


Once I got mixing right I started to expand from coasters to more detailed work, and particularly love using alcohol ink and pigment paste to make rainbow wave designs, and designing cake stands. My glitter collection also went crazy and I now have a huge box full that I have to hide from my daughter. 



I joined the Craft Resin Facebook Community Group and learned so much from seeing others work, and their tips it really inspired me, and people were so helpful! The other big aid has been working with the Resin Supplies Den group - I’m a group ambassador now and they’ve been so supportive, and encouraged me to be brave enough to do live working, although Yvonne and her glitter range make my bank account weep - I have the biggest glitter addiction!



Initially friends and family would ask me to make things and I’d post them on my own pages, and the feedback gave me the confidence to set up my brand - that and not enough space to keep all my makes! I would say I’m still in the early stages of running a business, and have my second craft fair in July which I’m nervous and excited about.


I suffer with anxiety so making changes, and putting myself out there publicly was a challenge for me, I still second guess myself a lot with my work, and worry it’s not good enough but the more I get out there the better I feel, and making sales at events and seeing people's reactions to my work really helps with this. Resin has been a real help for my mental health, and allowed me to relax, take time for myself and create when life is challenging. 


I’m not an official brand ambassador for Craft Resin but it’s something I’m aiming to achieve as this will work really well alongside my resin business, and will be great sharing the brand i love with others that I know would enjoy working with it too.



Overall I would say resin has given me joy, excitement, and brought out my enthusiasm for art. I’m looking forward to increasing the fairs and public events I attend and expanding my range - I’d love to try the free form vases. It’s also so important to me that Ava sees that you should always try new things, and do what you love!


For anyone that’s not started their resin journey yet or is just starting I’d say be bold, get involved in the community group as the advice and support is invaluable, and most of all enjoy it, and don’t be afraid to experiment! I would also recommend taking photos of your work outdoors using any flowers or plants you have as background, I find this really helps my work look its best.



Reading next

Can I Use Craft Resin With My Children? - Craft Resin UK
Ideas For Guidance To Give To Your Resin Customers Who Purchase Your Epoxy Resin Creations: - Craft Resin UK