
David Szelpal, artist from the UK

David Szelpal, artist from the UK - Craft Resin UK

My name is David and this is my quick introduction. I started woodworking a year ago but I have always been super passionate about DIY and crafts even from my early age stating off with building wooden guitars and bamboo bows it was in my vein.. After watching hundreds and hundreds of YouTube videos on all sort of wooden and resin projects I decided to get going and bought my small lathe to start with handmade wooden pens. Did not take long to fall in love in wood/resin working and started to expend my portfolio and made cutting boards, bowls, lamps etc. After few months with projects pilling up in my workshop started to gift them or sell them and this is when The Wooden Joy born. At the same time I started my YouTube channel with the purpose of sharing my passion and ideas with a larger audience as I know how much it helped me to get into woodworking and hope to inspire others to get into wood and resin working. So this is me in nutshell.

(The Wooden Joy)

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