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The Resin Revolution: Why Craft Resin is Every Artist's Go-To

The Resin Revolution: Why Craft Resin is Every Artist's Go-To - Craft Resin UK

If you’ve opened this article, chances are you’re one of those people who’s totally into creating with epoxy resin. I get it — there’s something about working with resin that’s both calming and thrilling at the same time. Whether you’re just starting out or you’ve been at it for years, let me tell you why Craft Resin is the secret sauce behind some of the best resin projects out there.

Craft Resin: The Clear Choice for Artists of All Levels

Craft Resin brand ambassador and artist Anastasia Rollin holding a round resin tray, showcasing the clarity and depth achievable with Craft Resin.

Why do so many artists love Craft Resin? Honestly, it comes down to the small things that make a big difference when you’re working on your art. I’ve spent countless hours working with different resins, and I can tell you firsthand — this stuff just makes life easier.

Low Viscosity That’s a Dream to Work With

You ever try pouring thick resin? It’s like trying to spread honey on toast straight out of the fridge — frustrating. Craft Resin, on the other hand, has this low viscosity of about 1200 CPS, and it makes a world of difference. It pours easily, mixes effortlessly with pigments or additives, and spreads smoothly. Whether you’re making a set of jewelry, working on a tray, or going big with a river table, it’s like the resin just knows where to go.

But let me be real for a second — this low viscosity can be a double-edged sword, especially if you’re trying to coat, say, the surface of glasses or cups. Resin this fluid doesn’t stick around in one place for long, so if you’re hoping to make thicker layers or coat vertical surfaces, you’ll probably struggle a bit. In fact, you might want to opt for a thicker resin for those kinds of projects.

ft Resin Tabletop Epoxy Resin and Hardener bottles displayed outdoors, soon to be launched, offering crystal-clear durability for large-scale projects.

That said, I’ve got some good news: Craft Resin’s working on a tabletop resin that’s going to solve this issue. Can’t wait to get my hands on it!

UV Stable: No Yellowing, Ever

If you’ve ever had a resin piece start yellowing after a few months, you know how much that stings. You pour your heart into a project, and then sunlight shows up like an uninvited guest and ruins the party. Craft Resin is UV stable, which means your pieces stay crystal clear for the long haul.

Beautiful resin clock with embedded flowers and wood on display, created using Craft Resin products.

I’ve tested it myself — leaving pieces in sunny spots for months, and they still look as fresh as day one. This is where Craft Resin really sets itself apart from competitors. I’ve worked with other resins that start yellowing after a year (or less), but not this one. It’s built to last.

Odorless: Your Nose Will Thank You

You know how some resins have that strong chemical smell? It’s the kind of thing that makes you want to crack a window or leave the room. That’s why I appreciate Craft Resin being completely odorless. It’s a game changer, especially if you’re working indoors or in smaller spaces.

As someone who’s spent hours in the studio, I can tell you this: no headaches, no fumes, just pure creative flow. If you’ve used other resins, you know this isn’t always the case, so having an odorless option makes everything more comfortable.

Food-Safe: Let Your Creativity Run Wild

Let me tell you, one of the coolest things about Craft Resin is that it’s food-safe. Once it’s cured, you can use it to make all sorts of functional items — coasters, serving trays, cutting boards, you name it. I’ve even done a few custom countertop projects knowing that the resin wouldn’t leach any harmful chemicals into food.

Craft Resin Epoxy and Hardener bottles placed next to floral resin coasters, showing the versatility of resin for decorative art.

A lot of other resins can’t make that promise, and it’s a big deal for those of us who want to make pieces that aren’t just beautiful, but also practical.

From Beginner to Pro: Craft Resin Makes Everyone Look Good

One thing I love about Craft Resin is how easy it is for beginners to get professional-quality results. I’ve taught a lot of people how to work with resin, and I can tell you — Craft Resin is one of the best to learn on. It self-levels like a champ, meaning you don’t have to worry about it settling unevenly. Plus, it’s super forgiving when it comes to bubbles. With a little heat (a torch or heat gun), you’ll have that glassy, bubble-free finish that everyone wants.

Clear resin block with embedded dried flowers and natural wood, alongside Craft Resin bottles.

But don’t think it’s just for beginners. Even pros — the ones who’ve been at this for years — are reaching for Craft Resin. Its clarity, durability, and UV resistance make it a go-to for more advanced projects. I’ve seen some jaw-dropping work with embedded objects and intricate layered designs, and Craft Resin just takes it to another level.

Craft Resin vs. The Competition: Let’s Get Real

Here’s where things get interesting. I’ve tried a ton of different resins over the years, and while some get close, Craft Resin checks all the boxes:

  • Low viscosity: It’s easy to handle, perfect for pours and detailed work.
  • UV stability: No yellowing — ever.
  • Odorless: No chemical smells, which is a big deal for comfort and health.
  • Food-safe: Ideal for functional items that will be used in real life.

Some competitors might give you one or two of these features, but I haven’t found any that deliver across the board like Craft Resin does. That’s why it’s The Clear Choice.

The Craft Resin Community: Welcome to the Family

One of the best things about getting into resin art is the community, and with Craft Resin, you’re joining a really special one. We’re talking about a group of artists, crafters, and creators who aren’t just making amazing things — they’re sharing tips, giving feedback, and supporting each other every step of the way.


Craft Resin influencer Glass Garden, a passionate member of the Craft Resin community, proudly holding Craft Resin Epoxy Resin and Hardener, inspiring others through her creative work.


I’ve met so many incredible people through this community — people who’ve taught me new techniques, inspired me to try different styles, or just gave me a shoutout when I needed it. Whether it’s through social media or forums, there’s always someone to bounce ideas off of, and trust me, that support can be a game-changer.

And if you ever hit a snag, the community and the Craft Resin team are there to help. Whether it’s troubleshooting bubbles, curing times, or just getting creative advice, you’ve got a whole squad behind you.

Conclusion: Join the Resin Revolution

So, here’s the deal: whether you’re new to resin or a seasoned artist, Craft Resin is going to make your work shine. It’s easy to use, gives stunning results, and is backed by a community that’s there for you every step of the way. You’re not just buying a product — you’re joining a revolution of creators who are making incredible things with passion and precision.

Craft Resin: The Clear Choice.

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